About Me

Hi! I'm Josh, a software engineer from Indianapolis, IN.

I am an experienced Software Engineer who enjoys creating interactive applications primarily in the MERN stack. I'm looking for an environment where I can improve as a front-end engineer and gain more skills as full-stack engineer if possible. When I'm not working on my skills as an engineer, I'm gaming, building custom keyboards or learning something new on the guitar!

The Technologies and Languages that I have been working with recently includes:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • React
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Heroku
  • C#
  • AWS S3


Sudoku Puzzle Solver

  • SudokuSolver
  • I used this project as a way to better understand backtracking algorithms. This project takes a solveable sudoku puzzle and fills in the blanks to find the correct answer!

Quick-Ref App

  • Quick-Ref
  • Quick-Ref is a content delivery app for reference material. This project is currently in progress! At the moment, I'm working on integration with Amazon S3 to get the file system up and running. You can see the current working build at the link below. You can contact me for more details and to view admin tools/features!

Crisis Response Leader Training

  • Crisis Response Leader Training
  • A contract with Crisis Response Leader Training. I assisted with their existing site and developed the front-end for their new web app. If you would like to know more about this project then you can contact me with the info below.

Contact Me

  • Take a look at my code on GitHub.

  • Here is my resume if you want to know more about me.

  • My email is simpsonjoshuam@gmail.com if you have any questions.